Thursday, January 30, 2014
On 1:40 PM by FX777222999 in animals, book, Boot, children, fables, Jungles, learning, story No comments
The Boot in the Jungle
In a jungle where no man went, there lived many a wild beast. One day they came across a strange object. It was a man’s boot. They had never seen a thing like it before.
“I am sure it’s the shell of a fruit,” said the bear.
“Rubbish!” said the wolf. “Can’t you see that it’s a nest? Here is the hollow in which the bird lays its eggs.”
“How can you be so foolish!” said the goat pointing to the long laces. “Look here, these are roots. So obviously it’s a plant.
A duck was listening to their argument. It said, “I have been to a land where many men live and this thing you see is called a boot. Men wear such things on their feet.”
“You keep out of this,” said the quarrelsome bear. “What you say can’t be true. We have seen no such thing and so we can’t believe you.”
“Believe what you want to, but remember that you can’t know everything.”
Lesson: Many things that you cannot see do exist in the world.
The Animals and the Plague
Once upon a time…a terrible scourge swept through a huge forest, full of animals. It was the plague. One after the other, all the animals, big and small, strong and weak, died of the dreadful disease. None could hope to escape such a horrible fate, not even the lion himself, king of the forest. Indeed, it was the lion that gathered together the survivors, and said in a trembling voice: “This disaster is a punishment for our wicked ways. And I for one will admit I’ve been wicked. If you find me guilty, I’ll gladly give up my life if you think that would help you I in making amends for your own sins. So I confess that, during my lifetime, I’ve eaten many an innocent sheep.”
“But, Sire,” broke in one of the animals, “sure you don’t think that eating sheep is a serious sin. We too…we too…” And they all began to tell their own stories.
One by one, the animals told of their crimes against their neighbors. The leopard had killed on more than one occasion, the eagle had snatched rabbits and lambs, the fox and the wolf had stolen and murdered. Even the placid-looking owl had little birds and mice on his conscience. Everyone had some wicked-deed, serious, or otherwise, to confess. But each animal, after his confession, was forgiven by the others, all just as guilty, of course. Last came the donkey, who said with a mortified air: “I did a very wicked thing too. One day, instead of just grazing here and there, I ate two clumps of grass in a clover meadow, without permission. I was sorry afterwards, and I’ve had a guilty conscience about it ever since!”
All the animals glared at the donkey and, shouting and calling insults, they chorused: “So that’s who brought the plague on us! Stealing grass from a poor peasant! Shame on you!” And the fate of the donkey was decided unanimously.
Lesson: How often are innocent folk made to pay for the wicked deeds of guilty?
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